Single Ventricle Heart Disease

Researchers Identify Potential Prenatal Biomarkers of Congenital Heart Diseases
Researchers Identify Potential Prenatal Biomarkers of Congenital Heart Diseases 1024 637 Katelyn Scott
Heart with HLHS compared to typically developed heart

In a research letter published in Circulation Research, researchers at Nationwide Children’s describe a potential biomarker that would identify the presence of SVHD in a fetus based on a maternal blood test. Single ventricle heart diseases (SVHDs), the most severe type of congenital heart disease require immediate treatment after birth. A growing number of fetal…

Tissue-Engineered Vascular Grafts Resist Calcification
Tissue-Engineered Vascular Grafts Resist Calcification 968 1024 Abbie Miller

Dystrophic calcification is the biggest reason for prosthetic biomaterial failure. Compared to expanded poly(tetrafluoroethylene) (PTFE) grafts, tissue-engineered vascular grafts (TEVGs) exhibited superior durability, including reduced late-term calcification, according to a study published in Nature Communications. “All of the biomaterials we routinely use for cardiovascular surgery are susceptible to dystrophic calcification,” says Christopher Breuer, MD, pediatric…

Nationwide Children’s Researchers Awarded Funding to Carry Out Groundbreaking Research on Single Ventricle Heart Disease
Nationwide Children’s Researchers Awarded Funding to Carry Out Groundbreaking Research on Single Ventricle Heart Disease 150 150 Madison Storm

The American Heart Association (AHA) and Additional Ventures have announced funding for five teams of scientists for research on single ventricle heart disease. Four researchers from Nationwide Children’s Hospital were included in the grant awards, building off their ongoing work in regenerative medicine and cardiovascular research. These Collaborative Sciences Awards bring together researchers from various…

Additional Ventures: Investing in Congenital Heart Disease Research to Advance Care
Additional Ventures: Investing in Congenital Heart Disease Research to Advance Care 150 150 Katie Brind'Amour, PhD, MS, CHES

Additional Ventures is a purpose-driven nonprofit that has developed the Single Ventricle Research Fund (SVRF), an annual research award program dedicated to accelerating research and improving care for people with single ventricle heart defects. The fund supports investigators through multi-year, high-impact grants focused on different elements in their carefully structured research roadmap. By funding investigators…