Pancreas and Liver Care Center

Children on Pancreatic Enzymes Experience Fewer Acute Pancreatitis Episodes
Children on Pancreatic Enzymes Experience Fewer Acute Pancreatitis Episodes 1024 429 Mary Bates, PhD

Pancreatic enzyme therapy benefitted patients with pancreatic-sufficient acute recurrent pancreatitis and chronic pancreatitis.  A new study shows that children with both acute recurrent pancreatitis and chronic pancreatitis had significantly lower incidence of acute pancreatitis episodes per year after starting pancreatic enzyme therapy. The findings support the need for a clinical trial to determine the treatment’s…

Reducing Surgery and Its Associated Risks Through Advanced Interventional Endoscopy
Reducing Surgery and Its Associated Risks Through Advanced Interventional Endoscopy 150 150 Katie Brind'Amour, PhD, MS, CHES

Specially trained pediatric endoscopists can perform a range of diagnostic, interventional and therapeutic procedures for children, allowing them to avoid referral to adult endoscopists or even open surgery.   Muhammad Khan, MD, MPH, FASGE, the new director of interventional and diagnostic endoscopy at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, has big plans for the field of pediatric endoscopy.…