Center for Clinical Excellence

Optimizing Outpatient Epilepsy Care With Digital Seizure Action Plans
Optimizing Outpatient Epilepsy Care With Digital Seizure Action Plans 1024 683 Pam Georgiana

Customized seizure action plans enhance care and family use. Many schools and caregivers require families of children with epilepsy to provide a written seizure action plan (SAP) signed by their primary care provider. The Epilepsy Foundation provides a printable PDF form to fill out, print and sign. However, the form is limited in providing space…

Improving Outcomes for Infants and Children With Congenital Hypothyroidism
Improving Outcomes for Infants and Children With Congenital Hypothyroidism 1024 575 Mary Bates, PhD
Toddler playing with toys

A quality improvement project identifies high-risk patients and ensures they receive necessary care.   Congenital hypothyroidism (CH) is one of the most common preventable causes of intellectual disability. In the United States and many other countries, newborns are tested a 24-72 hours after birth for CH as part of standard screening tests. This condition must…

Reducing Opioid Prescriptions for Common Pediatric Urologic Procedures
Reducing Opioid Prescriptions for Common Pediatric Urologic Procedures 1024 682 JoAnna Pendergrass, DVM
smiling baby being held up by an adult

To address the national opioid epidemic, clinician-scientists developed a quality improvement initiative to achieve significant, long-term reductions in opioid prescriptions after common pediatric urologic procedures.   Opioids are commonly prescribed for pediatric urologic procedures. However, studies have reported a troubling practice of overprescribing opioids in pediatric health, contributing to the ongoing opioid epidemic. “There is…

Quality Improvement Scorecard Enhances Safety for Newborns
Quality Improvement Scorecard Enhances Safety for Newborns 1024 683 Emily Siebenmorgen

The collaborative program between academic and community hospitals improves neonatal care quality. In a recent study published in The Journal of Pediatrics, researchers from Nationwide Children’s Hospital and affiliated level one and two community hospital nurseries implemented a quality improvement (QI) scorecard and found improvements in important perinatal outcomes. “Roughly half of all newborns in…