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Wendy Margolin

Has the Next Generation of Gene Therapy Arrived?
Has the Next Generation of Gene Therapy Arrived? 1024 683 Wendy Margolin

Researchers crack the code to deliver dual gene therapy in preclinical studies – with promises of wider applications. In a gene therapy breakthrough, a Nationwide Children’s Hospital researcher has successfully used an adeno-associated virus (AAV) to introduce two genes into cells with a single vector. Paul Martin, PhD, created a new dual gene vector approach…

Unraveling the Genetic Mystery Behind a Rare Pediatric Disease
Unraveling the Genetic Mystery Behind a Rare Pediatric Disease 980 429 Wendy Margolin

Prune belly syndrome (PBS) is a rare, congenital urologic disease, affecting an estimated 1 out of 50,000 births. While most urologists will see fewer than three cases of PBS in their careers, Nationwide Children’s Hospital’s Linda Baker, MD, has treated more than 50 patients and met and counseled nearly 200 in the last 15 years.…

The First 3 Years With PBS: Bryson’s Story
The First 3 Years With PBS: Bryson’s Story 953 269 Wendy Margolin

The first time Andrea Williams met her new baby was four days after his birth. Baby Bryson was born with the rare congenital disorder, prune belly syndrome (PBS), and was rushed to the Nationwide Children’s Hospital NICU immediately after birth. His enlarged belly meant he was delivered by C-section at 37 weeks, and it wasn’t…