Pancreas Center

Children on Pancreatic Enzymes Experience Fewer Acute Pancreatitis Episodes
Children on Pancreatic Enzymes Experience Fewer Acute Pancreatitis Episodes 1024 429 Mary Bates, PhD

Pancreatic enzyme therapy benefitted patients with pancreatic-sufficient acute recurrent pancreatitis and chronic pancreatitis.  A new study shows that children with both acute recurrent pancreatitis and chronic pancreatitis had significantly lower incidence of acute pancreatitis episodes per year after starting pancreatic enzyme therapy. The findings support the need for a clinical trial to determine the treatment’s…

InSight: Total Pancreatectomy With Islet Autotranplantation: The Basics
InSight: Total Pancreatectomy With Islet Autotranplantation: The Basics 1024 500 Katie Brind'Amour, PhD, MS, CHES
illustrated cross section of islets from pancreas

Download a PDF version of this image.       This feature was published in the Fall/Winter 2022 print issue. Download the full issue.  Image credit: Mandy Root-Thompson for Nationwide Children’s

TPIAT: A Way Forward for Chronic Pancreatitis
TPIAT: A Way Forward for Chronic Pancreatitis 1024 500 Katie Brind'Amour, PhD, MS, CHES
illustrated cross section of islets from pancreas

Nationwide Children’s Hospital has assembled a veritable “dream team” of pancreatitis and pediatric transplant surgery experts to offer what they hope will become the world’s preeminent pediatric center for complex pancreatic care. Imagine your child suffering from a sudden, debilitating episode of abdominal pain. No obvious cause, no cure, just pain so severe it requires…

How One Family In Appalachia Changed the Medical Field’s Understanding of Pancreatitis
How One Family In Appalachia Changed the Medical Field’s Understanding of Pancreatitis 150 150 Katie Brind'Amour, PhD, MS, CHES

More than 30 years ago, a teenager from Kentucky named Kevin Slone had his first attack of acute pancreatitis. Doctors at the Cleveland Clinic urged his father, Bobby Slone, to try to document whether other people in the family had similar stomach problems. Bobby Slone took the homework to heart, documenting incidences of similar symptoms…

NASPGHAN: New Guidance for Surgical Procedure Selection in Pediatric Chronic Pancreatitis
NASPGHAN: New Guidance for Surgical Procedure Selection in Pediatric Chronic Pancreatitis 899 450 Katie Brind'Amour, PhD, MS, CHES

Informed, multispecialty decision-making is essential to give children with chronic pancreatitis the best chance for long-term pain relief and improved quality of life, according to new guidance issued by the North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition.   Chronic pancreatitis has long been an underappreciated and underrecognized condition in children. Now, a NASPGHAN…

How Similar Is Chronic Pancreatitis Among Pediatric and Adult Patients?
How Similar Is Chronic Pancreatitis Among Pediatric and Adult Patients? 150 150 Lauren Dembeck

A large, international study highlights room for improvement in care and transition of patients ages 17 to 24 years old. A new study that compared adult patients with pancreatic disease starting when they were children with pediatric patients with pancreatic disease revealed remarkable similarities in the cause of the disease and progression to chronic pancreatitis.…