A Novel EEG Evaluation Method for Children With Infantile Spasms
A Novel EEG Evaluation Method for Children With Infantile Spasms 1024 677 Lauren Dembeck

Clinician-researchers have developed a rapid training program to learn the BASED score, a novel EEG evaluation method. The easily accessible training program allows clinicians to reliably determine the response to treatment. Infantile epileptic spasms syndrome is a severe form of early childhood epilepsy. Onset typically occurs in infants 4 to 8 months old and is…

A More Efficient Method for Diagnosing Electrical Status Epilepticus in Sleep?
A More Efficient Method for Diagnosing Electrical Status Epilepticus in Sleep? 375 280 Mary Bates, PhD

Calculating the spike-wave index of the EEG of just the first 100 seconds of sleep is enough for diagnosis. Electrical status epilepticus in sleep (ESES) is an electrographic pattern in which epileptiform activity is dramatically activated by sleep. The ESES pattern is a key electrographic feature in several pediatric seizure disorders that vary in severity.…