Bleeding Disorders

Intrauterine Devices are a First-Line Option for Adolescents with Bleeding Disorders
Intrauterine Devices are a First-Line Option for Adolescents with Bleeding Disorders 150 150 Mary Bates, PhD

Among adolescents with heavy menstrual bleeding, study shows no difference in IUD expulsion rate between adolescents with bleeding disorders and those without. In a new study, researchers from Nationwide Children’s evaluated the use of intrauterine devices (IUDs) in two young women’s hematology clinics. They found that young women with bleeding disorders did not experience a…

Iron Deficiency and Fatigue Among Adolescents With Heavy Menstrual Bleeding
Iron Deficiency and Fatigue Among Adolescents With Heavy Menstrual Bleeding 1024 673 Mary Bates, PhD

Both iron deficiency and fatigue are common in adolescents with heavy menstrual bleeding and may not indicate presence of a bleeding disorder. In a new multicenter study of nearly 200 adolescents with heavy menstrual bleeding, researchers found a high prevalence of iron deficiency without concomitant anemia as well as a high prevalence of fatigue. The…