Fetal Surgery

Early Detection and Multidisciplinary Care: Successful Management of Duodenal Atresia
Early Detection and Multidisciplinary Care: Successful Management of Duodenal Atresia 1024 737 Pam Georgiana
person in scrubs holding a baby

The team in the Fetal Center at Nationwide Children’s Hospital shares their comprehensive approach for best possible outcomes.  When a routine ultrasound reveals two enlarged, fluid-filled bubbles in the baby’s abdomen, known as the “double bubble” sign, pregnant patients and their families often feel scared and concerned. These bubbles indicate duodenal atresia, a congenital condition…

Fetal Surgery for Spina Bifida: Supporting A Bright Future Closer to Home
Fetal Surgery for Spina Bifida: Supporting A Bright Future Closer to Home 150 150 Alaina Doklovic

During her 20-week ultrasound appointment, Brittany Badenhop learned her baby had spina bifida, a term used to describe many disorders that occur during the development of the central nervous system. Spina bifida occurs very early on in a pregnancy as the embryo forms. Brittany and her husband Jared learned that their baby’s spine was not…